4Ed Grants
If you or a direct family member has been diagnosed with motor neurone disease, then you are eligible to apply. Whilst we openly accept applications from all over the UK, we prioritise families living within Gloucestershire.
You can apply for funding to contribute towards the cost of things such as vital equipment, adaptations to the home, family days out, or access to private medical support. Please enter the exact amount you require, so that we can ensure the money is spread to as many families as possible.
Complete the form on the next page, giving as much detail as possible, and then email a copy of your application to applications@4-ed.co.uk A family member or health and social worker may apply on behalf of the person with MND. If you need assistance completing the application, please contact applications@4-ed.co.uk and one of the team will be happy to help.

4Ed x GRF
In August 2023, the Gloucester Rugby Foundation officially adopted the 4Ed campaign as a restricted fund, securing the future legacy of the campaign and the transformative impact it has.
The campaign is now officially part of the Gloucester Rugby Foundation, with all money raised being used to provide bursaries for families affected by MND in Gloucestershire to access support, including funding vital equipment, changes to the home, family days out, or psychological support. The 4Ed campaign will also seek to raise continued awareness of MND to help influence national policy, as well as provide access to Kingsholm for support sessions and respite care through sports adapted activities, particularly for families impacted by the disease.