Marathons for MND
About The Team:
The idea for the challenge was originally conceived by Teresa, a firefighter and fitness instructor in Gloucestershire. She has brought together a challenge team of 6 firefighters and 2 volunteers to take part. The 4 firefighters from GFRS (Teresa, Amy, Tobie and Ceri) are a medal-winning team who have represented the fire service in various competitions both in the UK and internationally. Ceri is also an ex-England rugby player. Sarah and Jade are from other fire services and are regular competitors in firefighter fitness events. Fay works at the shed gym which is kindly hosting our challenge and is a wellness athlete. Rowan is a close friend of the Slater family who has been regularly involved in the 4Ed campaign and MND fundraising, and trains with Teresa.
About the challenge:
The challenge will be for our team of 8 women to together complete 15 ’marathon’ challenges in 24 hours. This will consist of…
1 x marathon (26 miles) stepper
2 x marathons (52 miles) ski erg
3 x marathons (78 miles) rower
4 x marathons (104 miles) run
5 x marathons (130 miles) cycle
…All whilst wearing full PPE fire kit. This epic challenge will test the team’s willpower, stamina and ability to withstand the extreme discomfort of hot and heavy fire kit.
However the temporary discomfort felt by the team will be nothing compared to the battle that families living with MND currently face. We are all undertaking this challenge to show solidarity for these individuals, and to raise some much needed funds to provide care and support to families living with MND in Gloucestershire and beyond.
About the venue - tbJPxshed:
The challenge is being hosted with kind permission of tbJPxshed gym in Cheltenham, enabling the challenge team to work throughout the 24 hours, into the night to complete this challenge
How to get involved:
All donations and support for this challenge are gratefully received. Please do join us on 11th January to cheer the team on, we would be very grateful for your support and encouragement!