Our Fundraisers!

Marathons for MND

Marathons for MND

Ed Slater

To Donate Click Here About The Team:  The idea for the challenge was originally conceived by Teresa, a firefighter and fitness instructor in Gloucestershire. She has brought together a challenge...

Marathons for MND

Ed Slater

To Donate Click Here About The Team:  The idea for the challenge was originally conceived by Teresa, a firefighter and fitness instructor in Gloucestershire. She has brought together a challenge...

24 hour radio-thon!

24 hour radio-thon!

Ed Slater

"The King of Kirby Muxloe (Ian) has 3 young children much the same age as Ed and Jo’s and was keen to do something after meeting Ed’s children who were...

24 hour radio-thon!

Ed Slater

"The King of Kirby Muxloe (Ian) has 3 young children much the same age as Ed and Jo’s and was keen to do something after meeting Ed’s children who were...